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Quiz (Start)
We're excited to get to know you! What's your name?
Nice to meet you,
! If you don't mind us asking, how young are you?
Mostly age is just a number, but when it comes to your skin, your age determines its strength and resilience.
under 20
Where do you plan to live for the next 3 months?
Your environment influences your skin. By looking at your country and ZIP code, we're able to determine the humidity, sun exposure, the pollution level and other external factors that have an impact on your skin.
ZIP Code Field
ZIP / Postal Code
What's your gender?
Everyone deals with issues such as skin sensitivity, acne, and aging. But skin still varies according to gender. For example, male skin not only differs from female skin in structure and oiliness, it is also often treated differently because of regular shaving.
I'd rather not say
Are your currently pregnant, breastfeeding or trying to conceive?
Certain ingredients can be absorbed into your body, and therefore, your baby’s body, too. Evidence-based data on the safety of specific ingredients in pregnancy is limited. That’s why we are on the side of caution and make sure only 100% safe ingredients for your little one make it into your formulation.
Do you regularly wear makeup?
Everyone likes to feel fabulous once in a while. But for us, makeup is optional. Skin care is not. Please let us know if you wear makeup at least 4x per week. And if you’re only wearing mascara that doesn’t count.
Do you prefer a light or a rich day cream under your makeup?
cream textures contain less oil and more water. They are absorbed quickly and are well suited for normal, combination and oily skin.
cream textures contain less water and more oil. They are suited for dry skin. They are not absorbed as quickly and act as protective shield against dehydration for your skin.
How would you describe your skin type?
Normal skin
feels smooth and normal with no signs of flaking or oiliness.
Dry skin
feels tight and dehydrated and may have flaky areas.
Oily skin
looks shiny.
Combination skin
has an oily T-zone (forehead, nose, chin) but is normal or dry everywhere else.
How sensitive is your skin?
Your skin is
extremely sensitive
if many products irritate your skin, causing redness, itchiness, or burning. Your skin is
pretty sensitive
if your skin occasionally reacts to products. Your skin is
not sensitive at all
if your skin has never reacted to a product ever.
Extremely sensitive
Pretty sensitive
Not sensitive at all
Have you ever had an adverse reaction to a skin care ingredient?
This is the case if a skin care product irritated your skin and caused you discomfort like burning, itchiness, redness, or even an allergic reaction.
Do you remember what ingredient caused the adverse reaction?
Salicylic acid
Not sure
Please let us know what ingredient caused the adverse reaction below:
In the next 3 months, will you continue to use any prescription medication that affects your skin or any retinol products?
Prescription drugs containing active ingredients such as retinoids (vitamin A derivatives, oral: isotretinoin), antibiotics (e.g. clindamycin, oral: minocycline, doxycycline), benzoyl peroxide (BPO) or salicylic acid make your skin very sensitive and easily irritated. Therefore, we will take this into consideration in the formulation of your products.
Please choose the picture that is closest to your skin color (your melanin level):
Characteristics of the 6 skin types:
Skin Type I (very fair)
: freckles, bright eyes, light blonde/red hair, extremely sun sensitive, never tans.
Skin Type II (fair)
: freckles, bright eyes, blonde/light brown hair, sun sensitive, tans slowly.
Skin Type III (olive)
: dark eyes, brown hair, tans easily, little sun sensitive.
Skin Type IV (light brown)
: dark eyes, brown/black hair, tans easily, barely sun sensitive.
Skin Type V (brown)
: dark eyes, black hair, rarely sun burn.
Skin Type VI (dark brown)
: dark eyes, black hair, hardly any sun burn.
Skin Type I
Skin Type II
Skin Type III
Skin Type IV
Skin Type V
Skin Type VI
How often do you break out?
: 2-3 x per week a new pimple
: 1-2 x per week a new pimple
: 1 x per week a new pimple
Almost never
: breakouts are not a problem for you
Almost Never
What are your skin care goals that we can help you with? (choose all that apply)
Improved skin texture
: for smooth and soft skin
Reduced dryness
: if your skin feels tight with rough, flaky patches
Less wrinkles
: get rid of fine lines and wrinkles, promote firmness and elasticity of the skin
Clearer skin
: improve your complexion and get clear and radiant skin
Reduced redness
: if your skin is sensitive, against itchiness/burning, to soothe your skin
Slow skin aging
: prevents your skin from losing firmness and elasticity and stops wrinkles from forming
Improved skin texture
Reduced dryness
Less wrinkles
Clearer skin
Reduced redness
Slow skin aging
Are there any other skin care goals you want to achieve?
What are the other skin care goals you want to reach?
Describe your individual skin care goal so we can take it into consideration when we create your skin care routine.
Where do you currently spend most of your day?
Where you spend your day has a big impact on your skin's needs. Air conditioning lowers humidity and can lead to dry skin. If you are mainly outdoors, then your skin needs to be adequately protected from harmful environmental influences.
Indoors with AC
Indoors without AC
On average, how many hours per day do you spend in front of a screen?
PC, TV and cell phone screens emit blue light (HEV - High Energy Visible Light). Blue light can damage your skin and accelerate skin aging.
< 3 hours
4-7 hours
8-12 hours
13+ hours
How much stress do you experience on a regular basis?
Stress hormones strongly influence the condition of your skin. A high stress level over a long period of time can get your skin’s protective barrier out of balance.
No stress
Little stress
Some stress
Lots of stress
On average, how much sleep do you get?
Beauty sleep is a real thing! One of the biggest secrets to healthy skin is enough rest. Your whole body recovers while you sleep, including your skin. 7-9 hours of sleep every night are recommended.
< 4 hours
5-6 hours
7-9 hours
10+ hours
How many cups of water (around 250ml) do you drink daily?
Always drink enough water to hydrate your skin from the inside. If you are well hydrated, you improve your circulation, your skin is supplied with more oxygen and your skin metabolism is activated.
< 5
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